What We Do

Living Eggs Ready Hatch is a two week comprehensive program providing all you need to successfully hatch chickens in your Classroom, Nursery or Care Home.

chicks incubatorCare Home School Chicks

Embryo eggs are provided, 2-3 days from hatching. The eggs are candled prior to shipping to ensure the highest possible success rate. No need to wait 3 weeks.

The Living Eggs incubators are specially designed for classroom hatching. An electronic thermostat ensures accurate temperature control for a high hatch rate. The large viewing windows allow the children to see all stages of hatching.

A brooder box complete with heat light, bedding, feed and waterer is supplied which allows teachers and children easy observation and access to the chicks.

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Everything you need to successfuly hatch and rear your chicks  is supplied with the kit.KIT


Teachers Resources, including hundreds of activities directly linked to the National Curriculum are supplied on a CD with the kit, however this material can be accessed on our website with a password prior to the arrival of the programme.

Care Home activities to engage residents with the program are also supplied on a CD with the kit e.g. songs, knitting and sewing patterns, even recipes!


Colourful wall posters are supplied depicting Life Cycles and Embryo Development, depending on your pupils’ ages. Thematic Plans are also available in poster size to support schools and nurseries in  getting the best from the program (see Resources)

Living Eggs staff delivers the kit to your door. We set everything up for you and explain how it operates.    Kit being delivered

Our friendly staff are only too happy to answer any queries you may have.




A helpline phone number is available 7 days a week to assist you with any queries or concerns you may have.

When the time comes for you to say goodbye to your chicks,  we rehome them on free range farms; unless you wish to keep them and have the skill and facilities to be able to do so.

New Home 1

We take great care to ensure our program is a great experience for everyone. Please read our:

Living Eggs Guarantee

We are also passionate about the welfare and well-being of our chicks, please read our policy on:

Animal Ethics


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