Chick Welfare

The welfare of the chicks  we hatch is our primary concern.

Please take a look at our policy on  Re-homing chicks

All chicks can be re-homed by us at the end of the program. We have many free range farms in each State who rear our chicks in delightful surroundings.

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Some schools, nurseries and care homes decide to keep their chicks and raise them into fully grown hens.

Poultry keeping is an enjoyable and productive hobby for adults and children alike but if you are thinking of keeping poultry there are considerations to be made and we ask you to think very carefully before rushing into ownership.

Please consider the following points carefully:

  • Some Councils do not allow chickens, or have minimum requirements for housing them.
  • Will your neighbours object to chickens in your garden?
  • Do you have someone to look after them if you go away?
  • The chicks will need to be under a lamp or indoors for the next 4-6 weeks.

If you are still interested in keeping the chicks, or a parent or carer is interested, please talk to your local manager to discuss this in detail.

Home rearing advice

The following information sheets are courtesy of the Practical Poultry magazine at

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