Christmas is nearly here!
Well its been a busy and wonderful year here at Living Eggs WA. We have hatched many chicks throughout WA including as far away as Albany! Children and teachers from schools across Perth have thoroughly enjoyed the program with many going on to keep chickens in their school as a welcome addition to their school garden. Composting and waste management have been a strong focus for the schools and chickens fit perfectly into that. Even the Department of Education have recognised the importance of chickens and have updated their School Animal Ethics website to include keeping chickens onsite.
Aged Care Centres have continued to book our programs and this area is growing every year. The benefits of having chooks in Aged Care are immense including excellent therapy particularly for residents with dementia. Language and memories come flowing back when residents pat a chook and remember the ‘good old days’. Hen therapy in the making.
We also were out in the wider community this year at libraries, community centres, homes and educational fairs. Chickens have been very popular this year too with the homeschooling community which is great to see.
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you again in 2018.
Lou & the team @ Living Eggs WA